Released……..For Blessings

Sometimes we are released FROM a relationship, a job, a ministry, and sometimes we are released TO minister, released to the Nations, to the people of God etc.

Pastor Steven Ferdickt of Elevation once said at every moment of our lives something is always dying and at the very same time something is being born.

When you are walking out of one place through a door you are also walking into a place.

Some of us need to release something(s), release some people… For the blessings to come. And some of us God is releasing from certain connections and we must GO no matter how badly we want to stay, no matter how comfortable it has gotten, no matter how comfortable the comfort zone is when God releases you… It’s for a blessing.

“For a seed to achieve it’s greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks it’s insides come out and everything changes. And to someone that doesn’t understand growth it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Octaviani

Like the baby bird being pushed out if the nest.
Because it’s Time to fly!
Let it go!
Let them go!
Be released into your purpose & for blessings!

7 thoughts on “Released……..For Blessings

  1. Perfect topic! It is important to release and rejuvenate. God has a special plan for each of us. I believe the Holy Spirit sends us cues, and reroutes us when it’s time. It’s important to follow the spirit and let God lead us to greatness.

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