All is NOT lost

A good friend sent me an article today and two things resonated with me…….

One thing that stood out was this sentence:

“The therapy patient had a plan (timing, route, clothes), and a back-up plan (what coat he would wear if it was raining, pills if the pain were too much). In other words, he had a plan for success, a plan for failure, and a plan for recovery.” (removing all excuses for NOT executing the plan/back-up plan) He planned to walk and meet his wife at the bus stop everyday during his physical recovery from a sickness or injury. We do tend to focus on success primarily, when adequate time and effort should be spent on mitigating the risks of failure, or knowing what we will do if we fail as well. (FMEA)

For instance this morning, I did not wake up at 5:30am like I had planned to pray &write, well I woke up but didn’t get up. However, I did get my prayer/meditation time in while I worked out on the elliptical. And I plan to write during my lunch break. Hopefully at the end of the day I can check off “wrote for 20 minutes”.

And the other good point was:

From the lawyer example- since I tend to be that “all or nothing” personality type; no middle, no medium, just two settings “High and OFF” -(also known as “EXTRA” or EXTREMEly passionate when focused- depending on how one chooses to view it lol) it helps to see things from the “all is NOT lost” perspective -if/when I fail to execute a plan flawlessly.

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